Day 4: Writing Challenge

Day 4 Writing Challenge

What kind of book (_____________) appeals to you?

What really gets your juices flowing?

Is it a good self-help, science fiction, a thriller, romance, general fiction?

Think of what to write from what is around you, from what you know and care about.

If you love writing, if you want to write, the rest will fall into place.

Pursue your writing each day, it’s okay if you are a little vague, just pick out one area or topic you love.  This will give you a sense of direction to get the flow of writing  G O I N G ~

Why did you start your blog?

Why did you start your writing blog?

When did you start writing and has your writing changed since you first started to write?  If so How?

Links to previous posts about the WRITING CHALLENGEEasy Writing Ingredients

Day 1: Writing Challenge

Day 2: Writing Challenge

Day 3: Writing Challenge

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About Jackie Paulson LOVES BOOKS

About Jackie Paulson You love to help others solve problems you are Intuitive; (Jackie uses her intuitive skills to help others solve their problems). YOU SEE THINGS OTHERS CANNOT SEE. You are great at picking up on peoples moods and predicting the future. (Jackie can predict future events by reading and feeling others moods). You know what others are THINKING before they speak a word. (Jackie is a true empath because she knows what other people are thinking before they say a word). Your Purpose in life is to SHOW LOVE TO OTHERS (Jackie can show love to others even to those who have been emotionally, mentally, physically, verbally abused). People turn to Jackie for Direction and Hope and New Ideas. (Jackie can lead others in the right direction and bring hope when there seems to be none left). I DO BOOK REVIEWS email me at
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7 Responses to Day 4: Writing Challenge

  1. Pingback: Day 6: Writing Challenge | “Life-transforming ideas have always come to me through books.” ~ Bell Hooks ~`

  2. The Hook says:

    Nicely done young lady!

  3. Pingback: Day 5 ~ Writing Challenge « The Writers Help You with Editing & Ease Your Life

  4. Angelia Sims says:

    I started my blog for writing, then I picked up photography. I love them both, but do need to work on my writing. It fell by the wayside. 🙂

  5. This looks like interesting and useful reading will come back asap for a real look.

  6. frizztext says:

    once I published a book about philosophy
    but it was not easy to find replies –
    some via amazon of course.

    but more and more I liked the world wide web
    with daily comments so quick!
    actually I use to write a daily post
    instead of a yearly book.

    yes, my writing changed:
    I tried to visualize my thoughts –
    and often added youtube songs
    with similar topics / lyrics …

    greetings by

    • Frizztext your music is truly amazing. I always look forward to coming by your blog for words of encouragement and to learn from you and your followers. I love music but yours is original. I love that. My writing has changed over the years in ways I did not see and now the fruits of my labor are paying off. 🙂

Comments? Questions? Observations?