What is Pinterest?

Welcome to today’s post, I want to share with you PINTEREST: 

http://pinterest.com/truthseeker1966/ MY PINTEREST


Pinterest is a Virtual Pinboard.

Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes.

Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other people. Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests. To get started, request an invite.


The “Pin-It” button is a great way to encourage your blog readers who use Pinterest to pin your content. This is good for them because they keep something they like or share cool stuff with their followers (or both), and it’s good for you because you set the image to be linked back to your blog post. This can bring good traffic to your blog and helps new people find you!

UPDATE: It looks like Pinterest has updated things and made it much easier to get your code snippet correct! The form is here. Just use the generated code in your post as described below. This makes many of the steps below unnecessary.

—-See update note above —-

First, the core code, as found on the Pinterest site, here. It’s exactly the same, except the code I’m using is already modified for use in a post here on EverythingEtsy.com.

You can copy this code and use it on your blog. Just make sure you paste it into an HTML editing view, not a visual editor.

You’ll need to make the following two simple changes for it to work for your image:

  1. Insert the direct url to the image – this isn’t the page where the image is generally displayed on your site, such as the blog post, rather this is the direct address to the image itself. Most blogging software will show you this on the image editing box. You can also get to it in most browsers by right clicking on the image and selecting “open image in a new tab” or something along those lines. You’re in the right place when all you see on the screen is the image itself, no header, no footer, just the image. Get that URL and insert it after the word “media=” (removing the Everything Etsy URL)
  2. Insert the URL to link to – When a user Pins your image, the image is linked to wherever it came from, in this case your site. But you don’t want to use your homepage address because the image won’t be there forever. Instead, use the permalink to your post or page. You can do this on-the-fly in newer versions of WordPress by hitting the “get shortlink” button at the top of the post editing screen. Once you have the right URL, insert it after “&url=”. (removing the Evertyhing Etsy URL)

That’s really it. You can then paste that before or after your image in your post. Again, you must be in HTML to do this, and you probably don’t want to switch back to visual after your done, so save this for last.

Here’s a picture that you can enlarge that shows the portions of code you need to change…


The next part of this is optional and a little more advanced…

For CSS Positioning

If you’re somewhat familiar with CSS and can access the CSS for your site, you can create a new css element by using a div and a class, as seen in the photo above. Below is the CSS code we use to position the Pin Button above and to the right of the image. (the div has to be in the HTML before the image)

This CSS code will have varying results based on your font sizes and overall set-up, but it can get you started with positioning the button where you want it in relation to the image.

Again, the CSS portion of this isn’t required for it to work (and it will probably display different in different browsers anyway).

Pin Away!

That’s it, good luck and happy pinning. I’ll do my best to answer questions in the comments, so ask ‘em if you got ‘em and use the “subscribe to comments” option to be sure to get the response.

~ Tim (clearly not Kim on this one!)

Note: For a reason beyond my understanding, this isn’t completely working in Internet Explorer, where it only shows a text link to pin it rather than a button. It works in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera. If anyone knows why it’s not showing up in IE, or if you use Internet Explorer and it is showing up, I’d love to hear about it.

If you are interested I have other blogs:

  1.  My book Reviews
  2.  I write what I write
  3.  Just because Blog

About Jackie Paulson LOVES BOOKS

About Jackie Paulson You love to help others solve problems you are Intuitive; (Jackie uses her intuitive skills to help others solve their problems). YOU SEE THINGS OTHERS CANNOT SEE. You are great at picking up on peoples moods and predicting the future. (Jackie can predict future events by reading and feeling others moods). You know what others are THINKING before they speak a word. (Jackie is a true empath because she knows what other people are thinking before they say a word). Your Purpose in life is to SHOW LOVE TO OTHERS (Jackie can show love to others even to those who have been emotionally, mentally, physically, verbally abused). People turn to Jackie for Direction and Hope and New Ideas. (Jackie can lead others in the right direction and bring hope when there seems to be none left). I DO BOOK REVIEWS email me at jackiepaulson8@outlook.com
This entry was posted in Articles, Blogs, How To, Photography, Pinterest, postadaychallenge, Project 365, Publishing, The Writers Help, WHY, Writing, Writing Challenge and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to What is Pinterest?

  1. Jackie, you have such a fascinating Pinterest account (plus, who doesn’t love the Princess!?). Thank you for linking to my story about suggestions Pinterest could make to improve – just followed you! 🙂

  2. Ali Mac says:

    Thanks for the link love! 🙂

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